About Sarah Wood

Productivity & Well-being Coaching
For Business Owners

Ready to move from Hustle to High Impact?

Hey, I'm Sarah

I help time-poor entrepreneurs focus, follow through and flourish so they can have more impact, quality downtime and well-being. 


Accomplish what really matters in your business within the hours you want to be working.

Quality Downtime

Relax and truly switch off at the end of the day without feeling pressured by your to-do list.


Feel healthier, energised and fully engaged in your business and life. 

Feel like your business is running YOU?

You started your business because you wanted to have an impact…

  • On the world
  • On your customers/clients
  • On your family
  • On your future…

You ALSO wanted to have quality downtime - doing things you love with the people you love. 

But instead you feel like there’s never enough hours in the day and your monumental to-do list taunts you 24/7!

You may be feeling:

  • Overwhelmed – there’s so much to do – you don’t even know where to begin
  • Frustrated – you’re stuck fire fighting or doing low impact ‘busy work’ instead  of making huge impactful progress toward your vision
  • Disillusioned – this isn’t what you envisioned for yourself and now you’re wondering whether running your own business is even worth it

Some days you wonder if it would be easier to get a job.

I can help you take back control

Hey, I'm Sarah

I believe you shouldn’t need to burn yourself out to have the impact you want in the world. 

Sarah Wood Coaching

Professionally qualified coach with 12 years’ corporate marketing experience, a university education in psychology and many lessons learned from burning out and quitting my first solopreneur business. 

Having personally experienced burnout in my first solopreneur business, I know how easy it is to get caught up in a mission and neglect the need for balance.

I crammed my days with tasks, thinking I could do it all, only to sacrifice my own health, happiness AND ultimately the impact I wanted to have through my business. 

From this experience, and my studies in psychology, I’ve learned that true productivity and fulfillment come from focusing on your top priorities, following through on a realistic plan and flourishing through self-care and quality relationships.

And now it’s my mission to help other time-poor entrepreneurs, like you, get off the hustle culture treadmill and achieve meaningful business results without sacrificing your health, wellbeing or relationships to do it. 

Ready to move from Hustle to High Impact?

Work with me

Book a single session

For a Productivity Reset

Coaching with Sarah Wood
  • You know you’re not using your time as effectively or efficiently as possible. 
  • You’re feeling stressed out, frustrated and a little disillusioned.
  • You need some help to get to the root cause.
  •  You want to figure out specifically what’s stopping you from getting your most important work done within the hours you want to be working.
  • And you want to get clear on the initial steps you can take to get out of overwhelm and free up time to enjoy life again.  

1:1 Coaching Program

Move from Hustle to High Impact

Sarah Wood About

This is my 3-month signature program that’ll help you:

  • Accomplish the most important tasks in your business within the hours you want to be working.
  • Relax and truly switch off at the end of the day without feeling pressured by your to-do list.
  • Feel healthier, have more energy and feel fully engaged in your business and life. 

What People Say

As Seen In

Sarah Wood Coaching


7 Steps to a High Impact 90 Day Plan

Your key to getting meaningful business results without burning out!

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